Abstract (Réformes militaires face aux défis sécuritaires en Afrique subsaharienne à la lumière du projet politique de Nicolas Machiavel)

The upsurge in violence in sub-Saharan Africa makes thesecurity issue a major concern. In an irrevocably globalized context, howdoes the leader go about conceptualizing the holistic conditions for thesecurity emergence of his state? Is it by strengthening military and politicalreforms? The Machiavellian military science instructing the promotion ofdefense and security …

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Abstract (Le couple « patriotisme/armes propres » : le nœud gordien de la liberté politique chez Machiavel)

The trait that can be seen in almost all the political systems isthat the survival of the state cannot be conceived without the no lessimportant question of its independence. This would explain why theancient Greco-Roman states, in particular, considered the relationship ofthe state to freedom with the most precious care. …

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Abstract (Émergence et reconnaissance : au cœur d’une analyse de la problématique du Même et l’Autre chez Emmanuel Levinas)

The term emergence is used much more nowadays and inparticular in the media. The meaning attributed to it seems to be reducibleto the economic order. In this specific context, emergence is oftenemployed despite the existence of appalling human misery. However, inits essential dimension, emergence, understood as a profusion of values,unfolds …

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Abstract (L’équilibre environnemental à l’ère de la mondialisation dans un contexte personnaliste)

Globalization is a form of planetary economic system that hastaken on worrying proportions with the advent of technical andtechnological progress, resulting in acrimonious competition between theactors of the world market. This has led to an increase in industrialproduction as each firm wants to produce better and stifle the others inorder …

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Astract (Répertoire des langues de la ville de Ouagadougou : cas des quartiers populaires)

This study is interested to language and urbanization ofOuagadougou’s city. The proportion observed in the linguistics behaviorof people of this city seems varied in each district. Is the lodged districtinfluences the using of languages? By answer, the lodged district influencesthe using of languages. In the popular districts, some dissimilarities oflanguage’s …

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Abstract(Radical Islamism and the Issue of African Nation Building: A Reading of Elnathan John’s Born on a Tuesday (2015))

Nation building in Africa is a central issue in the process ofAfrican self-determination. This paper interrogates the representation andthe critique of radical Islamism as a religious identity to set up an Africannation. The investigation based on social identity theory, shows thatIslamic fanaticism, in Elnathan John’s Born on a Tuesday, objectifies …

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