
The degree of perfection that a person has in his kind, excellence has been the hallmark of universities and science since the 10th century. Highly sought after and cultivated by schools and universities around the world, it has ended up giving rise to expressions such as center of excellence, sectors of excellence, prizes of excellence, tradition of excellence, academic excellence, scientific excellence, school excellence, etc. It is she who gives her name to the journal: UIRTUS. The founders of this journal aim to publish scientific articles excellently written on research bases using the most popular tools in science.

Dear colleagues

The Secretariat of your journal Uirtus hopes you are in good shape and is pleased that you have acknowledged receipt of this call for contributions.


Uirtus, International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, is a peer-reviewed scientific journal. It is online and publishes 3 times a year (April, August and December). It publishes articles and book presentations in the fields of Literature, Languages ​​and Social Sciences.

For its ninth issue to be published in August 2024, the editorial board of the Uirtus Journal is launching a call for contributions according to the following instructions:

  • Expected contributions: scientific articles in Literature, Languages ​​and Social Sciences
  • Submission address: [email protected]
  • Deadline for submissions: August 15, 2024.
  • Format: the text will be in WORD format and adapted to the editorial standards of the journal below.
  • Instruction fees: Any article proposal must be immediately followed by the sending of the instruction fees which amount to 15,000f.
  • Publication fees: After the instruction of the submitted article, if it is accepted for publication, the contributor will pay a sum of 35,000f which serves as an insertion fee.
  • NB: Your proposals, from whatever field or discipline, must be original and not have been published in any other scientific journal.

The Team

  • Chief editor: Komla M. Avono
  • Deputy chief editor: Kristina M. Darling
  • Editorial director: Komi Begedou
  • Executive editorial director: Palakyèm Mouzou
  • Chief editorial assistant: Nouhr-dine D. Akondo
  • Editorial assistant 1: Mabandine Djagri-Temoukale
  • Editorial assistant 2: EssohounaTanang
  • Editorial assistant 3: Fo-Koku D. Woameno


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