Abstract:Analyse qualitative des déterminants psychosociologiques du choix de la forme de délinquance par les jeunes en Côte d’Ivoire : Cas du cybercriminel (brouteur) et de l’enfant en conflit avec la loi (microbe)

This study analyzes the psychological determinants of the choice of the type of delinquency by children in conflict with the law (microbe) and cybercriminals (grazers). This research is qualitative. We interviewed a microbe and a cybercriminal. These subjects were subjected to a semi-structured interview. Their words are exploited using content …

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Abstract (Résumé (Éléments pour une sémiotique du vivre ensemble en Afrique à travers le mode participe)

For about 60 years period which corresponds to the age ofindependence of almost all African countries, the continent has neverceased to be regularly shaken by socio-political crises. This social upheavalcan be observed in the linguistic field. In the Côte d’Ivoire, Frenchlinguage, in contact with local languages, knows ab avatar from …

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Abstract (Perception de la qualité des prestations de soins de santé et ses déterminants : cas des centres hospitaliers de Lomé)

To determine the perceptions of users or clients remains amajor challenge for researchers and managers in order to identifyshortcomings and, in turn, develop strategies to improve the quality ofservices provided. This study aims at analyzing the perception of users inLomé hospitals on the quality of the care they receive. To …

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Abstract (Prédire et expliquer le changement de parti politique : une étude exploratoire sur la base de la théorie du comportement planifié)

The present study, carried out on 270 women and men, uses themodel of the theory of planned behavior (Ajzen, 1985), to predict thechange of political party. The latter is actually predicted by attitude,subjective norms and behavioral intention. On the other hand, perceivedcontrol does not seem to have any statistically observable …

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