Abstract:Réseaux sociaux comme dispositifs e-learning dans les établissements d’enseignement supérieur en contexte de la Covid-19 au Burkina Faso 

Abstract: The health crisis related to covid-19 has led to the suspension of pedagogical activities in higher education institutions. In Burkina Faso, some higher education institutions have used the possibilities offered by ICT to ensure the continuity of pedagogical activities. The study focused on higher education students who have experimented …

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Abstract (Pratiques sociales de l’agroforesterie paysanne en milieu rural ivoirien : le cas des populations paysannes de Bongouanou (région du Moronou))

After being decried as an obstacle to better environmentalmanagement, local knowledge has gained importance in global debates onbiodiversity since the 1990s. In this perspective, the present work tries toquestion the peasant knowledge in terms of agroforestry practiced sincealways by the Agni of Bongouanou. Forest area of the center-east of Côted’Ivoire …

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Abstract (Perception de la qualité des services d’eau potable dans les localités périphériques de la commune de Parakou)

This study analyzes the perception of users and serviceproviders on the quality of drinking water services in the outlying localitiesof the commune of Parakou. It shows that, 5% of users surveyed are verysatisfied with the water service, 76% are satisfied and 19% are not satisfied.However, users deplore the frequency and …

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Abstract (Pays konkomba, un exemple emblématique de la fréquentation problématique de l’école coloniale au Togo (années 1930-1960))

After the conquest and with the set up of the German andFrench administrative structures, the colonizers are going to embody thedomination, the coercion and arbitrariness. Besides the operations ofmilitary conquest and pacification of the country konkomba, notably theone led by von Massow, several of other economic and cultural reasonsparticipated in …

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Abstract (Le prince Fruku (Don Jeronimo) ou l’histoire d’une lignée écartée du trône du Danxomè, de Tégbésu (1740-1774) à Agonglo (1789- 1797))

The history of Danxomè is fruitful in secret and complexschemes, settling of scores, disagreements and collective disobedience.Everything was knotted and unraveled around the throne. News of aking’s death usually followed a period of heightened antagonism betweenprinces.The princes engaged in the race for power did not hesitate to useany means necessary …

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Abstract (La promotion du leadership féminin à l’épreuve des contraintes socioculturelles : étude de cas du projet de promotion du leadership des filles à travers le football)

The main objective of this paper is to contribute to theadvancement of theoretical knowledge and to the improvement of project ownership for sustainability. In particular, it takes a critical look at thefactors that limit the performance and sustainability of projects. The focusof our analysis is on the influence of cultural …

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