Abstract (Mise en œuvre de l’Approche Par Compétences (APC) dansl’enseignement du français et influences sur le rendementscolaire des apprenants au Bénin. Le cas au Collèged’Enseignement Général Houéyiho de Cotonou)

This research examines the conditions for implementing theCompetency-Based Approach in the teaching of French in generaleducation in Benin and the effect it has on learner performance. The aimis to analyze at the level of French teachers the quality of theadministration of the APC in their teaching practices. The reasoned choicemethod …

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Abstract (Reconnaissance professionnelle et motivation au travail)

Motivation is one of the most relevant factors in thepsychosocial analysis of companies today. There are several motivationlevers, among others: working conditions, the remuneration system andmanagement strategies including clear and transparent communicationand professional acknowledgement. This last notion is an important factorin mobilizing human resources and an essential element if the …

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Abstract (Résilience et réinsertion sociale des personnes ayant souffert de la Covid-19 dans la Region du Gbeke (Côte d’Ivoire))

The Covid-19 pandemic has led to many changes in thelifestyles of populations. The people who suffered from it facedreintegration difficulties. The objective of this study is to analyze theirresilience strategies to live in harmony with those around them after thepathological episode. The study is qualitative and favors reasoned choiceand the …

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Abstract (Cyberviolence et nécessité d’une prise en compte des compétences en informatique dans les programmes de l’enseignement primaire et général au Togo)

It has often been said that the illiterate of tomorrow is the onewho has no computer skills. Thus, public WIFI offers young people theopportunity to practice on WhatsApp, Facebook, etc. either through trialand error or through their peers. If there are among them who have talentsat communicating through cybernetics, there …

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Abstract (L’Histoire de la chefferie de Vogan, de Assigblé Adra (1890) à Jacob Kalipé (1982))

At the beginning of German colonization, the chieftaincy ofVogan was assured by Assigblé Adra. The latter appointed notables ineach district under his jurisdiction, including Paul Kalipé. Kalipéeventually became the chief and was invested by Germans in 1898. Hedied on June 5, 1951 after leading his community for 53 years. Hissuccession …

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Abstract (Problématique du transfert effectif de la capitale politique et administrative à Yamoussoukro (côte d’ivoire) : 1983-2017)

The political and administrative capital of Côte d’Ivoire sinceMarch 21, 1983, Yamoussoukro is still awaiting the transfer of stateinstitutions. What are the obstacles to the transfer of state institutions toYamoussoukro? The study aims to show that the effective transfer fromthe capital to Yamoussoukro is hampered by a lack of political …

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Abstract (Le rôle des industries culturelles et créatives dans la gestion des frontières régionales et la mobilité transfrontalière en Afrique de l’Ouest : cas du Nollywood du Nigéria)

Nollywood’s economic clout has been recognized for morethan a decade. In 2013, Colleyn (2013: 2) said: « the nigerian video industrynow accounts for $290 million annually and some 300,000 people live from it: Since 2005, Nollywood has become the world’s third-largest filmproduction center, after Hollywood and Bollywood. This article aims toelucidate, …

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