À César ce qui n’est pas à César ? Retour sur un communiqué des Évêques de Centrafrique incitant clairement à la désobéissance civile

At the outcome of an extra ordinary central african republic episcopal conference (CAREC), an episcopal announcement was delivered on November 2018. In subtance, the central african bishops demanded ‘’the church family people of God” and “faithfull men and women to boycott the celebration of the ceremony of the national day …

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Pays konkomba, un exemple emblématique de la fréquentation problématique de l’école coloniale au Togo (années 1930-1960)

After the conquest and with the set up of the German and French administrative structures, the colonizers are going to embody the domination, the coercion and arbitrariness. Besides the operations of military conquest and pacification of the country konkomba, notably the one led by von Massow, several of other economic …

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Abstract (La gouvernance des politiques publiques de protection sociale des enfants au Sénégal)

In Senegal, the governance and production of public action inchild social protection policies are carried out by several actors. This articleanalyzes the dynamics that exist in this polyarchic governance over thesepolicies. This polyarchic co-production and governance is an arena whereconfrontations, interactions, struggles, conflicts, competitions amongactors contribute to the progression of …

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Abstract (Opinions et attitudes des populations abidjanaises face à la vaccination contre la Covid-19)

The Covid-19 pandemic has claimed many lives around theworld. The discovery of different vaccines has sparked hope in the battleagainst this disease. However, despite the availability of vaccines, theIvorian populations did not strongly mobilize to be vaccinated. Why sucha reaction from them? The objective of this study is to analyze …

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Abstract(Une vie de bonne ou les employées de maison maliennes à Niamey)

This paper analyzes the conditions of domestic workers ofMalian origin in Niamey (the capital of Niger). It examines the motives forthe migrants’ adventure, their itineraries, the multiple strategies foradapting to the socio-professional realities of the host environment, andtheir mode of organization. The study is based on a qualitative methodusing semi-structured …

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Abstract (La communication selon Jürgen Habermas)

This paper contributes to elucidate Jürgen Habermas’ concept
of communication. From Habermas’ distinction between “expected” and
“emanating” effects, the study shows that, although the aim of any speech
is to have an effect, Habermas stands out for his apprehension of the
effect of communication. Thus, contrary to the expected effect which
consists in achieving an intentional goal, Habermas sees rather the effect
emanating which is a coupling or reciprocal effect of the interlocutors.
Keywords: communication, effect emanating, expected effect,

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Abstract:À César ce qui n’est pas à César ? Retour sur un communiqué des Évêques de Centrafrique incitant clairement à la désobéissance civile

At the outcome of an extra ordinary central african republic episcopal conference (CAREC), an episcopal announcement was delivered on November 2018. In subtance, the central african bishops demanded ‘’the church family people of God” and “faithfull men and women to boycott the celebration of the ceremony of the national day of …

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Abstract:Réseaux sociaux comme dispositifs e-learning dans les établissements d’enseignement supérieur en contexte de la Covid-19 au B F 

The health crisis related to covid-19 has led to the suspension of pedagogical activities in higher education institutions. In Burkina Faso, some higher education institutions have used the possibilities offered by ICT to ensure the continuity of pedagogical activities. The study focused on higher education students who have experimented these …

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