Abstract (Lexico-Grammatical Analysis of Three Excerpts Selected from Toni Morrison’s Paradise: Focus on Experiential Meaning)

Drawing on Halliday’s Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL),this study scrutinizes the grammar of experiential meaning, one of thethree metafunctions which contribute to the functions of the clause. Itaims at explaining how processes are used to make meaning in the novelunder investigation. Using sampling method, three extracts have beenselected from Toni Morrison’s …

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Abstract (Invention scientifique et responsabilité humaine dans Frankenstein : une perspective techno-éthique)

Man’s responsibility towards a scientific invention is one of thecentral themes of Mary Shelley’s novel, Frankenstein. In a kind of trial, theEnglish novelist confronts the scientist and his invention on the issue ofresponsibility. The pleadings of the two main characters (VictorFrankenstein and the Monster) suggest the urgency of establishingresponsibilities as …

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Abstract (L’intervention grammaticale : avant ou après la production de l’apprenant ?)

Our remarks deal with the moment of the insertion of theteacher’s grammatical theoretical postulates before or after the learner’sproduction. We have tried to provide the beginnings of an answer. Thelearner’s basic questions allow the introduction of specific grammaticallearning concepts which are directly related to their needs. Also, this iswhy the …

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Abstract :La dimension cachée de la pédagogie dans la circonscription scolaire de Ouenzé II à Brazzaville

Our study focuses on the hidden dimension of teacher education Ouenze 2 in Brazzaville. This concept is defined as “the set of unanticipated situations that occur in the teaching-learning process that the teacher faces”. The objectives of this study were to highlight the characteristics of the hidden dimension and its …

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Abstract: Le mandingue originel dans Les soleils des independances d’Ahmadou Kourouma, un espace de bonheur

An interstitial space between the real and the fictitious, Horodougou, at least its representation in The Suns of Independence by Ahmadou Kourouma, is the place where Fama Doumbouya, faced with the many difficulties of everyday life in the “capital”, rediscovers honor and happiness. That he should never have lost because …

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Abstract : Place du soutien social dans l’autosoin des personnes vivant avec l’hypertension arterielle

The effective management of hypertension (hypertension) requires involvement of the sick person. This ability to take care of oneself is self-care. Several factors influence self-care, one of which is social support. The authors disagree on the contribution of social support to the self-care process. The objective of this research is …

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Abstract : Représentations sociales de l’enseignant et implication aux études : l’exemple des étudiant-e-s de l’UFHB d’Abidjan

This article analyzes the impact of teacher representation on study engagement among ndergraduate students enrolled in of Criminology and General Economics at Félix Houphouët-Boigny University. Analysis of data collected by questionnaire from 256 subjects reveals that the dimensions « personal identification with studies » and « valuation of studies » have significant links with …

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Abstract: Appropriation de la gestion des conflits par les villages de la commune de M’batto

The text analyzes the legitimation mechanisms associated with the appropriation of conflict management in the municipality of M’batto. It is based on the sanctions and fines provided for by village communities in the event of the mobilization of official regulatory bodies. Adopting an ethnosociological perspective, the data collection was carried …

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