In this article, I study the myths in the novels of Ernesto Sábato.
With mythocritique and psychocriticism as approaches to carry out my
analysis, I explain the presence of evil through the Gnostic myth of the
blind, the incest and the transgression of the forbidden. The Latin
American writer represents the world under the domination of the exterior
and dark forces that are the Sect, the Oedipus complex and the Prince of
Darkness. The interest of this study lies in the knowledge of evil and its
presence through the myths recreated by the Argentine author.
Keywords: Ernesto Sábato, Evil, Novels, Myths, Sect, Transgression
Secondary Menu
- Demythologizing the American Dream in John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men
- Déconstruction du mythe de la femme poto-mitan et reconstruction de la figure féminine dans Désirada de MaryseCondé
- L’écriture transgressive du corps de la femme
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- Évolution de la prise en compte de la Santé Sécurité au Travail dans les entreprises en Normandie, France : quelles avancées avec l’ISO 45001 ?
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