L’esthétique de la forme et de la couleur chez Aristote

The work of Aristotle, immensely rich and bequeathed to posterity, is a work full of relationships. Thus, any analysis of particular subjects in the work of the philosopher of Stagira must take into account the existing relationships between the different themes. It is in this sense that the concepts of form and color have aesthetic meanings when analyzed. As for the form, it has in addition to its metaphysical connotation an aesthetic sense that emerges in the theories of symmetry, proportion and limited. Concerning the color, Aristotle’s thought goes beyond the simple classification of the different colors and the indication of the cause of their diversity to enlighten on its importance for the perception (vision). Also, the color has to do with the pleasant one and causes a pleasure of aesthetic type. Moreover, Aristotle’s aesthetic approach to form and color is entirely valid.
 Université

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