Abstract (Résumé (Éléments pour une sémiotique du vivre ensemble en Afrique à travers le mode participe)

For about 60 years period which corresponds to the age of
independence of almost all African countries, the continent has never
ceased to be regularly shaken by socio-political crises. This social upheaval
can be observed in the linguistic field. In the Côte d’Ivoire, French
linguage, in contact with local languages, knows ab avatar from certain
idioms through which it thrives. Thus, the Ivorians appropriate French by
adapting it to their sensitivity, a means of communication essential to the
needs of the expression of an ivorian thought. Moreover, this linguistic
community, under the name of the Francophonie, has a common
denominator in its idiom. The mode participates, perceveid as a linguistic
wealth, constitutes the unifying element within this community. It is the
common good of the entire Francophone community. It impose itself by
the rigidity of its morphosyntactic canons as prescribed by the legislator

of good use. This article aims to account for this idiom which constitutes
a mark of living together in the sense of the French-speaking community.
Keywords : Participle, Standard French, Ivorian French, Nouchi, Living

Together, French Community, Morphosyntactic.

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