Abstract (Mise en œuvre de l’Approche Par Compétences (APC) dansl’enseignement du français et influences sur le rendementscolaire des apprenants au Bénin. Le cas au Collèged’Enseignement Général Houéyiho de Cotonou)

This research examines the conditions for implementing the
Competency-Based Approach in the teaching of French in general
education in Benin and the effect it has on learner performance. The aim
is to analyze at the level of French teachers the quality of the
administration of the APC in their teaching practices. The reasoned choice
method is used with questionnaire, interview and observation techniques
with 78 participants. The results reveal four main obstacles to the
application of PCA among those teachers who reported almost 100% that
the objectives of applying the Competency Based Approach were not
being met. The main causes are the bloated number of learners and the
lack of modern and well-stocked libraries.

Keywords: Competency, Based Approach-French Teaching, Teacher-

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