Abstract (Le style mbougarien et la réinvention du moule romanesque dans La plus secrète mémoire des hommes)

With La plus secrète mémoire des hommes, Mohamed Mbougar Sarr
has revealed us, better than his pairs, the wonders of real literature to the
mirror of the whole-world. At the detour of the consensus that have been
for a long time defined literality of a piece of work his young novelist has
dared creating a new individual itinerary where only the experience of the
reader, talent, and maturity in the renovated factory of the roman mussel
are the real criteria which testify to the greatness of both a piece of work
and a writer. Thus, to use all the mysteries of writing and bring actors to
rethink the definition of literature, he lays on an imaginary sad story about
an author and his book. In fact, he hooks us up with a fantastic style and
invites us share with him the singularity of his language structures and the
renovated form of the roman wheel.
Keywords: Novel, Style, Talent, Literature, Reader, Writer

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