Astract (Répertoire des langues de la ville de Ouagadougou : cas des quartiers populaires)

This study is interested to language and urbanization of
Ouagadougou’s city. The proportion observed in the linguistics behavior
of people of this city seems varied in each district. Is the lodged district
influences the using of languages? By answer, the lodged district influences
the using of languages. In the popular districts, some dissimilarities of
language’s repertoire are indicated through at sociolinguistics’ level. The
study intends to determinate linguistics’ behaviors of people of popular
districts. It enters in urban sociolinguistics of Bulot (2003). It consists to
analyze how the speech and space’s practical can remodel linguistics’
behavior of responsible. The information’s processes of picking are the
questionnaire, interview and observation of linguistics behaviors.
Keywords: Language Repertoire, Linguistics Behaviors, People, City,
Popular Districts

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