Abstract (L’ADRAO et le développement de la  riziculture en Afrique de l’Ouest (1971 – 2009))

One of the problems hindering the development of almost all
West African countries is food self-sufficiency. Set up in 1971, with a view
to developing rice cultivation and ensuring self-sufficiency in rice in the
West African space, the Association for the Development of Rice
Cultivation in West Africa (WARDA) has put its expertise serving
member countries. This, through the growing role of the relevance and
actions of training, projects in rice development and the creation of new
varieties of rice seeds. However, some problems remain unfulfilled,
namely the persistence of rice imports and the hunger crisis in some
member countries. This article, the aim of which is to analyze the
technical, financial and social contributions of WARDA for the
development of rice cultivation and self-sufficiency in rice in the West

African space, is based on the comparison and cross-checking of sources.
oral, archival and scientific sources.
Keywords: WARDA, NERICA, AfricaRice, Rice Cultivation, West
Africa, Development.

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