Abstract : Représentations sociales de l’enseignant et implication aux études : l’exemple des étudiant-e-s de l’UFHB d’Abidjan

This article analyzes the impact of teacher representation on study engagement among ndergraduate students enrolled in of Criminology and General Economics at Félix Houphouët-Boigny University. Analysis of data collected by questionnaire from 256 subjects reveals that the dimensions « personal identification with studies » and « valuation of studies » have significant links with the representation of the teacher. In other words, the student’s representation of his teacher plays a fundamental role in his involvement in the dimensions indicated. Regarding the dimension « perceived ability to act on studies », the results invalidate our hypothesis. There is therefore no link between this dimension and the representation of the teacher. However, the results obtained allow recommendations to be made in terms of teaching and supervision practices for students in order to promote their involvement in studies.

Keywords: Representation, Teacher, Student, Personal Involvement

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