
Guidelines for Authors


Uirtus is a scientific journal published three times a year. The journal specializes in the humanities and social sciences.

All manuscripts and queries should be sent as MSWord documents or other large word processing programs to the following address: [email protected] or [email protected]

Electronic files should be titled with your first and last name only (e.g., “Laye Camara”). Please follow this format to avoid rejection of your work.

Electronic files should be titled with your first and last name only (e.g., “Laye Camara”). Please follow this format to avoid rejection of your work.

The journal welcomes all critical approaches, from the most traditional to the most advanced. The journal generally does not publish fiction, poetry, or other writing that is not the subject of academic research. UIRTUS values ​​and publishes technically correct and stylistically graceful writing. We believe that academic prose should be pleasant to read and crystal clear. The Journal publishes articles, notes, and book reviews. Articles should ideally be approximately 6,250 words, including endnotes and works cited. Notes (short articles) should not exceed 2,500 words, including endnotes and works cited. Documentation should include internal citations, parenthetical citations, endnotes, and works cited in accordance with the eighth edition of the Modern Language Association (MLA) Manual of Style. A summary of the MLA standards is available for download here.


Uirtus, International Journal of Literature and Social Sciences, is a peer-reviewed scientific journal. It is online and publishes 3 times a year (April, August and December). It publishes articles and book presentations in the fields of Literature, Languages ​​and Social Sciences.

For its ninth issue to be published in August 2024, the editorial board of the Uirtus Journal is launching a call for contributions according to the following instructions:

Electronic files should be titled with your first and last name only (e.g., “Laye Camara”). Please follow this format to avoid rejection of your work.

Electronic files should be titled with your first and last name only (e.g., “Laye Camara”). Please follow this format to avoid rejection of your work.

Expected contributions: scientific articles in Literature, Languages ​​and Social Sciences

Submission address: [email protected]

Deadline for submissions: August 15, 2024

Format: the text will be in WORD format and adapted to the editorial standards of the journal below.

Instruction fees: Any article proposal must be immediately followed by the sending of the instruction fees which amount to 15,000f.

Publication fees: After the instruction of the submitted article, if it is accepted for publication, the contributor will pay a sum of 35,000f which serves as an insertion fee.

NB: Your proposals, from whatever field or discipline, must be original and not have been published in any other scientific journal.

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