Abstract (Pays konkomba, un exemple emblématique de la fréquentation problématique de l’école coloniale au Togo (années 1930-1960))

After the conquest and with the set up of the German and
French administrative structures, the colonizers are going to embody the
domination, the coercion and arbitrariness. Besides the operations of
military conquest and pacification of the country konkomba, notably the
one led by von Massow, several of other economic and cultural reasons
participated in to return this recalcitrant people in the school. Before the
distrust and the reticence of the Konkomba, the administration didn’t
hesitate to make use of the force. But the coercive recruitments of pupils
were revealed inefficient and influenced little on the school company. This
article analyzes the problematic school company in country konkomba
then described the strategies of the French administration to impose the
school to the Konkomba of the years 1930 to 1960.
Keywords: Country Konkomba, Problematic Company, Colonial School,

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