Abstract (La Force de Sécurité Anti-Pandémique à l’épreuve de la Covid-19 au Togo)

The years 2020-2021 have marked and continue to mark the
spirits by the surprising health crisis of which the whole world is officially
unaware of the causes. Scientifically referred to as coronavirus by some
and Covid-19 by others, the pandemic threatening the world has led most

political leaders to declare their country at war with an invisible enemy.
Since then, political actors around the world have continued to use
rhetoric or better still the military metaphor to justify the urgent measures
they are taking to stem this health crisis. The objective of this article is to
provide an understanding of the meaning of the concept of health warfare,
the military management of the pandemic, the fields of intervention of the
armed and security forces mobilized in the context of the health crisis in
Togo and the perception of civilians of this security mission. The
qualitative approach used made it possible to highlight the use of the
expression health warfare as a rhetoric intended to incite the social body
to uniqueness of action, thus prohibiting the democratic treatment of what
divides it during the crisis period. The emanation invites him to
concentrate efforts on the common enemy who wants to destroy the usual
ways of living. The research came to the conclusions that while the
mobilization of the armed forces was beneficial in enforcing the barrier
measures enacted within the framework of the declared state of emergency
and, in providing disaster relief, there were numerous violations of human
rights observed by the civilian population whose authors are elements of
Keywords: Health crisis, Covid-19, Health War, FOSAP, Civilian

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