Investigating EFL teachers’ vocabulary teaching practices through reading comprehension

The present study elaborates on how EFL teachers deal with unknown/unfamiliar words in reading comprehension. It involves sixty-nine (69) EFL teachers selected through the snowballing sampling technique. As a result, the study endeavours to answer the research question ‘How familiar are EFL teachers with contextual clues used in reading comprehension …

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A retrospective of the current economic situation in Niger shows that the establishment of large companies in Niger has hardly seen a significant increase and that the Nigerian state remains the only source of employment. The few companies that are created hardly have a long lifespan due to multiple and …

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L’affirmation de soi, une rupture avec les stéréotypes sexistes dansle choix des séries scientifiques par les filles dans la ville deOuagadougou (Burkina Faso)

The choice of the second year of secondary school is a decisive step for the school career. However, this period of choice is marked by social representations in the form of stereotyped social constructs that influence and even condition pupils’ choices. For example, boys are seen as being made for …

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Évaluation des tendances agressives par l’échelle de Buss et Perry : cas des jeunes en conflit avec la loi à Abidjan

Juvenile delinquency has become a societal phenomenon. Indeed, many youngsters and teenagers take the path of delinquency by forming gangs and perpetrating acts of violence. These acts of violence can be explained by several biopsychosocial factors, which interact to account for their aggressive state. The phenomenon of young people in …

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Développement d’une grille d’évaluation de la qualité d’accueil et d’intégration du stagiaire infirmier dans l’équipe soignante

For various reasons, trainee nurses in a clinical setting may face moments of worry or even isolation that are potentially detrimental to their learning. However, they could be more resilient in the face of these critical situations by benefiting from good integration into the care team. Research work has certainly …

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