Contribution de la Gestion Axée sur les Résultats (GAR) à l’évolution de la performance financière du CHR Atakpamé sous contractualisation

After independence, West African states as a whole developed various strategies to improve their health systems and policies. In recent times, health structures in Togo have gone through enormous difficulties which impact not only the quality of care for the population but also the well-being of the providers themselves. The …

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Rénovation urbaine et résilience des floriculteurs dans la gestion des espaces verts en bordure des « grandes » artères à Abidjan / Côte d’Ivoire

The article aims to examine the resilience strategies of flower growers in the management of green spaces along the “major” arteries in Abidjan. In the process of renovating this city, three main strategies have been identified as major challenges. The first is the promotion of floriculture as a competitive resource …

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La détermination nominale du niaboua

Nouns can function as the subject or object of a verbal statement. In languages, nouns can be grouped into two main categories: proper nouns and common nouns. Proper nouns do not take determiners. On the other hand, common nouns are associated with certain morphemes, including possessives, demonstratives, and numerals. This …

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Analyse intertextuelle des pièces de Caya Makhélé : cas de La fable du cloitre des cimetières, Picpus ou la danse des amulettes, Les travaux d’Ariane, Sortilèges et L’étrangère

This article is part of studies carried out on the practice of intertextuality in literary works. It consists of analyzing a set of theatrical works by the same author in order to identify within them, different textual forms in terms of writing and dramatic discourse. Indeed, in the plays of …

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