Rentas mínimas ante la pobreza y la exclusión social: Un estudiocomparado entre Cataluña y Euskadi

In Catalonia and Euskadi, the number of people with serious economic and social difficulties is growing. Faced with the precariousness the Catalan and Basque authorities elaborate minimum income programs.These are economic benefits aimed at combating poverty and social exclusion. This article examines the analogies and differences between the minimum income …

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La gouvernance des politiques publiques de protection sociale des enfants au Sénégal

In Senegal, the governance and production of public action in child social protection policies are carried out by several actors. This article analyzes the dynamics that exist in this polyarchic governance over these policies. This polyarchic co-production and governance is an arena where confrontations, interactions, struggles, conflicts, competitions among actors …

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Le prince Fruku (Don Jeronimo) ou l’histoire d’une lignée écartée du trône du Danxomè, de Tégbésu (1740-1774) à Agonglo (1789-1797)

The history of Danxomè is fruitful in secret and complex schemes, settling of scores, disagreements and collective disobedience. Everything was knotted and unraveled around the throne. News of a king’s death usually followed a period of heightened antagonism between princes.The princes engaged in the race for power did not hesitate …

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