The Redeemed Black Identity in Margaret Walker’s “For My People” and Langston Hughes’s “I, Too”: A Critical Race Theory Reading

This paper proposes to highlight the redeemed black identity in the American society. It aims at exposing how Hughes’s “I, Too” and Walker’s “For My People” portray the new Black identity. As poets of the Harlem Renanissance, Margaret Walker and Langston Hughes have felt concerned with awareness raising among the …

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Abstract (A Neo-slave Narrative Reading of Colson Whitehead’s The Underground Railroad (2016))

Colson Whitehead’s The Underground Railroad (2016) is anarrative that carries the reader to the historical context of the abolitionistmovement of the nineteenth century United States of America. More thantwo (2) centuries after, Whitehead re-imagines this episode of AfricanAmerican history in a skillful readership that deserves critical attention.Why does Whitehead retell …

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La gouvernance des politiques publiques de protection sociale des enfants au Sénégal

In Senegal, the governance and production of public action in child social protection policies are carried out by several actors. This article analyzes the dynamics that exist in this polyarchic governance over these policies. This polyarchic co-production and governance is an arena where confrontations, interactions, struggles, conflicts, competitions among actors …

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Pratiques sociales de l’agroforesterie paysanne en milieu rural ivoirien : le cas des populations paysannes de Bongouanou (région du Moronou)

After being decried as an obstacle to better environmental management, local knowledge has gained importance in global debates on biodiversity since the 1990s. In this perspective, the present work tries to question the peasant knowledge in terms of agroforestry practiced since always by the Agni of Bongouanou. Forest area of …

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La promotion du leadership féminin à l’épreuve des contraintes socioculturelles : étude de cas du projet de promotion du leadership des filles à travers le football

The main objective of this paper is to contribute to the advancement of theoretical knowledge and to the improvement of project ownership for sustainability. In particular, it takes a critical look at the factors that limit the performance and sustainability of projects. The focus of our analysis is on the …

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