Explosion de la demande urbaine face aux difficultés de sécurisation foncière : une analyse à partir des double-ventes dans la commune d’Agoè-Nyivé 2 au Togo

Land, once abundant and inalienable, has in recent decades become a tradable commodity due to population growth. This research deals with the land issue which is still relevant due to the phenomena of multiple sales of plots of land in Togo. The objective of this study is to analyze the …

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Traditional Chieftaincy or “Administrative Police” in Togo under Colonial Rule (1884-1960)

The colonial administration of Togo was carried out with the collaboration of local chiefs, whose power was institutionalized. Put at the bottom of the hierarchical structure of the colonial administration, traditional power had a mission of administrative policing in the territory. The exercise of the administrative police mission by local …

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Délinquance écologique dans des quartiers précaires de la commune de Cocody (Abidjan-Côte d’Ivoire) : typologie, facteurs explicatifs et conséquences

This article aims to establish the typology of environmental crime in Moscou, Namaralogo and Allakro; to show the factors that generate it and its consequences. This study was based on the comprehensive approach and was helped by documentary study, direct observation and survey as well as qualitative analysis as methods …

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Les prépositions orphelines en français : propriétés sémantico syntaxiques et intérêt didactique

This article takes a broad look at the morphological, syntactic and semantic features of orphan prepositions in French, i.e. those used without a clearly expressed regime. The traditional subcategorization of prepositions does not always take into account the diversity of constructional patterns in which this distributional class, wrongly considered as …

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Élections législatives et reconfiguration du paysage politique en République du Congo (1992-2017)

The legislative elections since 1992 have contributed to the repositioning of actors in the political field. Internal political changes, transfers of power, recompositions of power and the intertwining of electoral alliances in the political game will be at the center of the problem of electoral processes, electoral violence’s and political …

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Profil d’autosoin de type responsable, un profil à promouvoir au sein des personnes vivant avec l’Hypertension Artérielle

Hypertension being a chronic disease, requires the involvement of the patient in its management (self-care). Several profiles are known, however, the responsible type is the ideal one, to be promoted among people living with hypertension. The objective of this research is to describe this profile by identifying the factors that …

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De l’histoire de la langue française : quelle(s) leçon(s) pour les Etats multilingues francophones africains ?

In this research work, we are interested by multilingualism issue in francophone african countries. The study is focused on applied linguistics and especially language policy (Guespin and Marcellesi). It questiones French language history and tries to understand how this linguistic account can inspire african political leaders in their desire to …

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