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Abstract (A Neo-slave Narrative Reading of Colson Whitehead’s The Underground Railroad (2016))

Colson Whitehead’s The Underground Railroad (2016) is a
narrative that carries the reader to the historical context of the abolitionist
movement of the nineteenth century United States of America. More than
two (2) centuries after, Whitehead re-imagines this episode of African
American history in a skillful readership that deserves critical attention.
Why does Whitehead retell the history of the abolitionist movement
known as the Underground Railroad in fiction? Why does he choose a
twelve year girl, Cora as the central character? Is the theme of slavery still
relevant in today’s social discourses? These are some questions that call on
a literary analysis of this masterpiece. The paper relies on the Neo-slave
Narrative approach to analyze the rationale behind this historical novel.
Keywords: Neo-slave narrative, the Underground Railroad, Abolition,
Slavery, Neo-Slave Narrative Approach.

Abstract (La gouvernance des politiques publiques de protection sociale des enfants au Sénégal)

In Senegal, the governance and production of public action in
child social protection policies are carried out by several actors. This article
analyzes the dynamics that exist in this polyarchic governance over these
policies. This polyarchic co-production and governance is an arena where
confrontations, interactions, struggles, conflicts, competitions among
actors contribute to the progression of the child’s vulnerability. The results
obtained show that the multiple interactions between the actors weaken
the interventions. Practices and attitudes in the care of the child are part
of different logics. Polyarchic governance constitutes a brake to the
achievement of such policies.
Keywords: Polyarchic governance, public action, social protection,
vulnerability, interaction.

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Abstract (Opinions et attitudes des populations abidjanaises face à la vaccination contre la Covid-19)

The Covid-19 pandemic has claimed many lives around the
world. The discovery of different vaccines has sparked hope in the battle
against this disease. However, despite the availability of vaccines, the
Ivorian populations did not strongly mobilize to be vaccinated. Why such
a reaction from them? The objective of this study is to analyze and explain
the opinions and attitudes of the Abidjan populations with regard to
vaccination against COVID-19. The documentary study associated with a
questionnaire and semi-structured interviews constituted the data
collection techniques for this study. A mixed approach (quantitative and
qualitative) was favored for the analysis of these data. The results indicate
an influence of social networks and interpersonal communications on the
opinions and attitudes of populations in the non-adoption of vaccines
against Covid-19.

Keywords: Opinions and Attitudes, Vaccination, Abidjan Populations,
COVID-19, Resistance.

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Abstract(Une vie de bonne ou les employées de maison maliennes à Niamey)

This paper analyzes the conditions of domestic workers of
Malian origin in Niamey (the capital of Niger). It examines the motives for
the migrants’ adventure, their itineraries, the multiple strategies for
adapting to the socio-professional realities of the host environment, and
their mode of organization. The study is based on a qualitative method
using semi-structured interviews, life stories and direct observation. Other

sources of information were supplemented by written, audio and audio-
visual documents. The sample consisted of female employees and

employers. The scientific interest of the work lies in highlighting the
capacity of a foreign community, female and young at that, to enter a
competitive professional field, and then to occupy a quasi-hegemonic

position in it, in well-defined households. The paper found that the
primary motivation for the maids is the search for income to support
themselves and their village relatives. Employment is acquired through
intermediation, conducted informally and often at great sacrifice.
Keywords: Migrant Women, Domestic Workers, Work, Profession,

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Abstract (La communication selon Jürgen Habermas)

This paper contributes to elucidate Jürgen Habermas’ concept of communication. From Habermas’ distinction between “expected” and “emanating” effects, the study shows that, although the aim of any speech is to have an effect, Habermas stands out for his apprehension of the effect of communication. Thus, contrary to the expected effect which consists in achieving an intentional goal, Habermas sees rather the effect emanating which is a coupling or reciprocal effect of the interlocutors.

Keywords: communication, effect emanating, expected effect, intercomprehension.

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Abstract:À César ce qui n’est pas à César ? Retour sur un communiqué des Évêques de Centrafrique incitant clairement à la désobéissance civile

At the outcome of an extra ordinary central african republic episcopal conference (CAREC), an episcopal announcement was delivered on November 2018. In subtance, the central african bishops

demanded ‘’the church family people of God” and “faithfull men and women to boycott the celebration of the ceremony of the national day of the independance of the 1st December’’, considered as a non religious feast. This is a solidarity in memory of people dead during the assasination of people on november 15th, 2018 in Alindao,a town located at the East. This assassination has caused the death of many people including two central african priests.           

The next day following the publication of this episcopal announcement, two contradictory tendencies were confronted on press as well as social networks. From one side, we can have those who pretend to knwo everyrhings and those who are Cartesian skeptical about the episcopal announcement on the other side.

Now that the tensions are over, this given study tend to analyse the episcopal announcement on the legal ground emphasing on the two folded preocupations of: an attempt to the central african positive law on one side and the judicial consequences learnt by the central african politicians on the other side.

Keywords: Canon law, Central African republic, episcopal announcement, Code, Constitution, positive law, procedure.

Abstract:Réseaux sociaux comme dispositifs e-learning dans les établissements d’enseignement supérieur en contexte de la Covid-19 au B F 

The health crisis related to covid-19 has led to the suspension of pedagogical activities in higher education institutions. In Burkina Faso, some higher education institutions have used the possibilities offered by ICT to ensure the continuity of pedagogical activities. The study focused on higher education students who have experimented these networking tools as an e-learning device in the context of covid-19. Based on the UTAUT model, it aims to analyze the factors determining the intention to adopt networking tools as an e-learning device. The results indicate that « social influence » and « expectation of use » have a positive and significant influence on the intention to accept and use social networks as a distance learning device. In contrast, the central variables of the UTAUT, « performance expectation », « effort expectation » and « facilitating conditions » have no significant influence on the acceptance intention of social networks.

Keywords: Virtual Social Networks, Intention to Use, Social Influence, E-Learning, Resilience, Covid-19

Abstract (De l’identité du personnage transculturel dans La Répudiation et Printemps de Rachid Boudjedra)

The encounter between the different characters in the texts of
Rachid Boudjedra often depicts a complex and conflicting world. Upon
analysis, we realize that the stranger-character is always perceived by the
narrator-character as an Other and therefore likely to be a danger. This
situation creates a permanent tension which is perceptible as much in the
discourse produced by the protagonists as in their interactional attitudes.
Thus, in this corpus of novels by Rachid Boudjedra, the characters
experience a fairly identical path in three stages: a situation of conflict
between the protagonist characters, then a rapprochement of different
identities and finally an overcoming of differences thus creating an identity
of difference. Our reflection consist in showing that the construction of
the transcultural character in the texts of Boudjedra testifies to the

aestheticization of a writing inclined to cultural dialogue. We will also
indicate that the transcultural character carries within himself an essential
issue, that of identity.

Keywords: Conflict, Alteration, Otherness, identity of difference, cross-
cultural character.

Abstract (Rentas mínimas ante la pobreza y la exclusión social: Un estudio comaparado entre Cataluña y Euskadi)

In Catalonia and Euskadi, the number of people with serious
economic and social difficulties is growing. Faced with the precariousness
the Catalan and Basque authorities elaborate minimum income programs.
These are economic benefits aimed at combating poverty and social
exclusion. This article examines the analogies and differences between the
minimum income benefits developed in Catalonia and the Basque Country.
Among these social policies implemented in both Autonomous
Communities, similarities and divergences stand out. The method used to
carry out the present study is field research.
Keywords: Catalonia, Euskadi, Poverty, Minimum Income, Comparison

Abstract (La representación mítica del mal en el universo novelesco de Ernesto Sábato)

In this article, I study the myths in the novels of Ernesto Sábato.
With mythocritique and psychocriticism as approaches to carry out my
analysis, I explain the presence of evil through the Gnostic myth of the
blind, the incest and the transgression of the forbidden. The Latin
American writer represents the world under the domination of the exterior
and dark forces that are the Sect, the Oedipus complex and the Prince of
Darkness. The interest of this study lies in the knowledge of evil and its
presence through the myths recreated by the Argentine author.
Keywords: Ernesto Sábato, Evil, Novels, Myths, Sect, Transgression