Les violations de l’ethique policière dans la pratique de la sécurité nationale

The governance of security in the world implies respect for the legal norms and values applicable in the exercise of security action. Côte d’Ivoire, like other countries, has adopted a national security policy whose conceptual reins lie with the executive power through the National Security Council (CNS). In the execution of the security action, excesses or even violations are observed on certain litigants in the name of national security. The work aims to highlight violations or denial of rights in the execution of national security policy. This study is based on a methodology that takes into account the field of study, the survey population, the development of a survey sample. Data collection is carried out through a study of documents, a survey, observation and non-directive interview. The results are mainly oriented towards non-compliance with legislation and regulations related to national security action in Côte d’Ivoire, practices or actions violating the legal framework of national security. All things reflecting legal and ethical violations.
Keywords: Security ethics, National security, Côte d’Ivoire, Abidjan

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