À César ce qui n’est pas à César ? Retour sur un communiqué des Évêques de Centrafrique incitant clairement à la désobéissance civile

At the outcome of an extra ordinary central african republic episcopal conference (CAREC), an episcopal announcement was delivered on November 2018. In subtance, the central african bishops demanded ‘’the church family people of God” and “faithfull men and women to boycott the celebration of the ceremony of the national day of the independance of the 1st December’’, considered as a non religious feast. This is a solidarity in memory of people dead during the assasination of people on november 15th, 2018 in Alindao,a town located at the East. This assassination has caused the death of many people including two central african priests.
The next day following the publication of this episcopal announcement, two contradictory tendencies were confronted on press as well as social networks. From one side, we can have those who pretend to knwo everyrhings and those who are Cartesian skeptical about the episcopal announcement on the other side.
Now that the tensions are over, this given study tend to analyse the episcopal announcement on the legal ground emphasing on the two folded preocupations of: an attempt to the central african positive law on one side and the judicial consequences learnt by the central african politicians on the other side.
Keywords: Canon law, Central African republic, episcopal announcement, Code, Constitution, positive law, procedure.

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