Analyse intertextuelle des pièces de Caya Makhélé : cas de La fable du cloitre des cimetières, Picpus ou la danse des amulettes, Les travaux d’Ariane, Sortilèges et L’étrangère

This article is part of studies carried out on the practice of intertextuality in literary works. It consists of analyzing a set of theatrical works by the same author in order to identify within them, different textual forms in terms of writing and dramatic discourse. Indeed, in the plays of certain contemporary African playwrights like Caya Makhele, the theatrical writing is imbued with various quotations and references in the dramatic discourse, which does not always facilitate the understanding of the reader-spectator. He discovers hybrid works which contain fragments of several speeches or texts in theatrical writing. A heterogeneous writing called « intertextuality » and defined by Gérard Genette as « a relationship of co-presence between two or more texts, that’s to say eidetically and most often, by the effective présences of one text in another’’(7). This definition therefore invites us to find in these contemporary dramatic writings, different textual relationships such as quotations, references or allusions, for a homogeneous understanding of these works.
Drawing on the poetic analysis method of theorist Gérard Genette, we will analyze some plays by the Congolese playwright Caya Makhele in order to highlight different textual forms through internal and external intertextuality.
Keywords : Theatre, contemporary writing, quotation-reference, allusion – intertextuality.

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