The novelistic work of Michel Houellebecq has dominated the French literary space for several years because of the themes he develops, and which raise lively controversy. Indeed, loved by some and hated by others, the novelist promotes from work to work the decadence of the contemporary world. Moreover, the image of human cloning raises an ethical problem and remains a reason that immediately inclines a reflection around the human superpower. The Possibility of an Island by Michel Houellebecq is the novel that brings to the pinnacle the notion of neo-humanism based on the representation of human reproductive cloning. Our article proposes to analyze the novel of the French writer and demonstrate that it stages a kind of transition to pass from the stage of the human who is a being pushed towards the death and the cloned human who aspires to remain for eternity using the hermeneutics of Martin Heidegger and the mythocriticism of Gilbert Durand
Keywords: Human Cloning, Superpower, Myth, Old Age, Houellebecq
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