The American Democracy: Ethics, Principles and Advocacy for the Contemporary World

The evolution of humanity and the demographic growth experienced worldwide have prompted country leaders to consider more flexible approaches to managing their internal policies. Different nations have embraced various political philosophies, with Democracy, in its different forms, being the most widely advocated. Since its inception in ancient Athens, Greece, the concept of democracy has continuously evolved. Today, the United States positions itself as a leading champion of democracy worldwide, often assuming rightly or wrongly the role of global enforcer of democratic principles. From Alexis De Tocqueville to Robert Dahl, Francois De Corcelle toJacques Mariel Nzouankeu, many authors have apprehended the notion of democracy in general and the one of the US in particular. The general objective of the present paper is to analyze the American Democratic system and its possible transposition in Africa. To be more specific, the research focusses on presenting the different theories of democracy and exposing the principles of a role model democratic regime. The paper expects to highlight both the positive aspects of American democracy throughout the ages and the aspects that are less commendable. From a documentary research perspective, this paper has relied on literary theories such as the new criticism and the new historicism. These theories have helped to evaluate the dynamic notion of democracy through time, and in the context in which it was critically evaluated, since the study is not only based on history but it is also where all critical approaches begin.

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