Défis et perspectives de la gestion du foncier urbain à Kara

The city of Kara has been experiencing rapid population growth for several decades resulting in urban dynamics which results in the spread of the city towards its outskirts. This urban dynamic implies an increase in space requirements. We then witness more and more the sale of the land domains of the local authorities who are Kabyè. In the sale of their properties, these communities do not take care to consistently reserve the spaces dedicated to the State or the municipality for the establishment of basic socio-collective infrastructures. These land-owners are selling or occupying the spaces abusively without any respect for the road layout plans, which leads to the drafting of the widths of many lanes in the city. The fragmentation and sale of spaces in the city of Kara which have not been supervised by the municipality has led to urban development which does not respect the rules of the art. The objective of this dissertation is to analyze land management in the city of Kara and its impact on sustainable urban development. The methodology used to obtain the data was the interview, the field survey which consisted of administering the questionnaires to 128 people. At the end of the field results, Word, Excel, SPSS, Arc gis, Q gis and Auto cad software were used to process these data. The results thus obtained show that in the Kozah commune 1.60% of the administrative reserves are fragmented and sold by the local communities.

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