Le chroniqueur est-il traducteur ou adaptateur dans l’incipit de LeRouge et le Noir de Stendhal ?

If in Le Rouge et le Noir in general, in the incipit in particular, Stendhal stages a text, which gives more voice to the chronicler than to the narrator, it is because the space of the chronicle makes possible the evocation of facts and the comments they inspire. Far from reflecting on the limits of narration and the powers of the chronicle, it will be a question of following an author who carries a realistic and aesthetic project which will have revealed his genius, as it is true that the novelist undertakes a perilous enterprise which requires the qualities and rigor of the scientist as much as the distance of the chronicler. We will then realize the very advanced taste Stendhal has as much truth as the historical references, which invade the text.
Keywords: Chronicle, translator, narrator, reality, fiction.

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