L’assignation identitaire dans Ce cochon de Morin de Guy de Maupassant

This study focuses on the attribution by his entourage of a problematic nickname to one of the characters of Guy de Maupassant’s short story, This pig of Morin. The wearing of this unfavorable nickname raises a considerable problem, because it leads to an existential instability that affects Morin’s daily life, to the point of shaking him morally and then leading to his ruin. The use of the theoretical tools developed by Marc Edmond is conducive to an interpretative reading that allows to understand the psychology of Morin in a perspective of fearful and anxious self-psychology as opposed to that of the group composed by all the inhabitants of La Rochelle which, she’s rather devouring and oppressive. The results we obtain allow us to describe a character prone to fear and victim of a personality crisis that ends with a premature death.
Keywords: Self-esteem, identity, image, reputation, ruin.

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