Incidence de la mutation sociale sur les identifications liées aux imagos de genre chez les jeunes filles scolarisées à Niamey

The results of this study stem from the content analysis of the corpus of protocols of the “Test the Three Characters” (Backes-Thomas, 1969) provided by 329 participants that we randomly selected at the level of schools of Niamey. The general objective of the research was to explore the identifications with gender imagos of young school girls in Niamey in relation to traditional and modern values; by placing particular emphasis on the psychic impact implied by the passage from one to the other. Thus knowing that, in general, Nigerien society is essentially phallocentric, the field survey confirmed the main allegation of the present study which underlines the link between the identifications with gender imagos of young girls schooled in Niamey with the process of transformation of socio-cultural values underway in Niger.
Keywords: incidence, social change, identifications, gender imagos.


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