Développement d’une grille d’évaluation de la qualité d’accueil et d’intégration du stagiaire infirmier dans l’équipe soignante

For various reasons, trainee nurses in a clinical setting may face moments of worry or even isolation that are potentially detrimental to their learning. However, they could be more resilient in the face of these critical situations by benefiting from good integration into the care team. Research work has certainly shown a poor integration of students into healthcare teams. However, there is a lack of tools to objectively assess the quality of reception and integration of trainees.
In reference to the elements of definition of the reception of Walter and Bonnet (18) and the three dimensions of the reception described by Ringele (19), an evaluation grid of the quality of reception and integration of the nursing trainee in a clinical setting was built. This instrument, intended for internship supervisors, includes 44 evaluation criteria divided into six sections. Its Content Validity Index is rated at 0.90; therefore greater than 0.80, the norm of Waltz and Coll (…).
The grid will be used to confirm the presence or absence of indicators for each evaluation criterion. In the presence of evidence or indicators, a rating of 1 is assigned to the criterion concerned. On the other hand, when there is no evidence or indicators for a criterion, it is assigned a score of 0.
Finally, the evaluation of the degree of reception and integration of the nursing trainee into a care team could be made at five different levels or quality modalities according to the total score obtained within an amplitude of eight points per level ([0-8 ]; [9-17]; [18-26]; [27-35]; [36-44]).
Keywords: evaluation grid, quality, reception and integration, clinical nursing internship, nursing training

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