L’implicite des personnages dans la littérature africaine : faut- il traduire le nom Tiékoroni ?

This article is about how the translator should deal with the implicit. We are interested here in the situation of the translator who finds himself in the presence of Tiekoroni, the name of one of the characters of En attendant le vote des bêtes sauvages by Ahmadou Kourouma, a novel which traces the history of some great African Heads of State. Loaded with implication, this name, which is not random, paints the physical portrait of the character in order to facilitate his identification and avoid any confusion. Our objective through this study is to probe the different possibilities available to the translator who finds himself confronted with an implicit whose decoding conditions the understanding of the meaning of the source text.
Keywords: Tiekoroni, character, implicit, decoding, translation.

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