The Redeemed Black Identity in Margaret Walker’s « For My People » and Langston Hughes’s « I, Too »: A Critical Race Theory Reading

This paper proposes to highlight the redeemed black identity in the American society. It aims at exposing how Hughes’s « I, Too » and Walker’s « For My People » portray the new Black identity. As poets of the Harlem Renanissance, Margaret Walker and Langston Hughes have felt concerned with awareness raising among the African-American communities. They sought to make Blacks aware of the identity conflicts and the need to eliminate the ambiguity and internal damnation occasioned by centuries of slavery. In the context of this paper, the poems of Margaret Walker and Langston Hughes are read through the lenses of the critical race theory. The article seeks to bring out how the authors have granted a new image to Blacks by proposing a new black identity in the American society.
Keywords: Black, identity, american, redemption, critical race theory, poetry


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