De l’identité du personnage transculturel dans La Répudiation et Printemps de Rachid Boudjedra

The encounter between the different characters in the texts of Rachid Boudjedra often depicts a complex and conflicting world. Upon analysis, we realize that the stranger-character is always perceived by the narrator-character as an Other and therefore likely to be a danger. This situation creates a permanent tension which is perceptible as much in the discourse produced by the protagonists as in their interactional attitudes. Thus, in this corpus of novels by Rachid Boudjedra, the characters experience a fairly identical path in three stages: a situation of conflict between the protagonist characters, then a rapprochement of different identities and finally an overcoming of differences thus creating an identity of difference. Our reflection consist in showing that the construction of the transcultural character in the texts of Boudjedra testifies to the aestheticization of a writing inclined to cultural dialogue. We will also indicate that the transcultural character carries within himself an essential issue, that of identity.
Keywords: Conflict, Alteration, Otherness, identity of difference, cross-cultural character.

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